Dog ownership comes with many joys and many responsibilities. One very important responsibility that comes with owning a pup, is making sure you keep theirRead More
Keeping a well Groomed Yorkie
Dog ownership comes with many joys and many responsibilities. One very important responsibility that comes with owning a pup, is making sure you keep theirRead More
Taking on the task of grooming your own dog can be slightly stressful, and time-consuming. Especially if you are not equipped with the proper toolsRead More
The Yorkshire Terrier has a beautiful, flowing coat, but it does require a fair amount of maintenance and care. In this post we are goingRead More
Cutting a dog’s toenails can be a bit of a daunting task. Most dogs are not thrilled with the process either, and it can beRead More
Don’t you just love a freshly bathed, super soft, wonderful smelling puppy dog?? I know I do. My Yorkie, Willow, and I always have aRead More
So here’s the question, do Yorkies shed? Well… the answer depends on what one would consider to be shedding. Let’s look into it shall we?Read More
Grooming is not an option when it comes to the Yorkshire Terrier. They grow long, silky coats, and their hair is very fine. It tanglesRead More